Adair Goldheart

'Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold.' - S.E. Hinton'If pain is beauty, i'm a pretty bitch.'
- CORPSE x Bring Me The Horizon

One of those types of people from that side of town. Indulging in all sorts of bad habits - disrespectful and foul-mouthed, he's always getting into trouble.
He's a bad influence, the one your mother warned you about.


NAME: Adair Fisher GoldheartNICKNAMES / ALIASES: Goldie, Ponyboy, Dead ManAGE: 25GENDER & PRONOUNS: transgender non-binary, he/theyORIENTATION: pansexual panromanticRACE/ETHNICITY: Hyur MidlanderNATIONALITY: LimsanOCCUPATION: competitive swimmer, fisherman, 'sailor', performer, bounty hunter, contract worker, waiterLANGUAGES: Common, Braille


HEIGHT: 171 cm. 5’6"WEIGHT: 68 kgs 149 lbs.HAIR: blondEYES: turquoisePIERCINGS: septum and navelTATTOOS: full body nautical patchwork


'You're about as subtle
as a punch to the face'
- Jayla addler

- curious
- social
- honest
- sensitive
- dissociative
- violent
TEMPERAMENT: turbulent

History and Hooks

  LIMSAN THROUGH AND THROUGH  Born and rised in Limsa Lominsa, Adair Fisher is from, as the surname implies, a family of fisherman. Maybe you knew him when he was younger, working with his father on their family ship or flogging their hauls at the local market; or maybe you know him now from the docks - working tirelessly as a docker and commonly sailing from Limsa out into the great unknown.Wherever he ends up, one thing is for sure - you can almost always detect where he hails from by the thick and barely coherent Limsan accent that is laced through his every word. 
Fishing was hard work for often meager pay, yet even when there was a bad season, there was still a whole family to feed. Early on in his life, Adair learned how to pickpocket and pilfer necessary goods. Hanging around the kind of crowd that came with that lifestyle, however, had him racking up increasingly severe charges.Maybe he has stolen something that you need to get back; or maybe you are crossing him on the wrong street at the wrong time and you are seemingly an easy target for a hasty mugging. Better yet, your descritpion might match a bounty plastered somewhere in Ul'dah or Limsa. Always on the lookout for quick jobs with high payouts, or any payout at all, really, he has consistently said he will do just about anything if people are willing to pay him.



Hey there! My name is Jade, I'm Australian (AES/DT), and this is my roleplay character. Please send me a tell at any time if you are interested in RP, I am down to engage in both spontaneous and planned scenes.My only major rule is to please keep IC and OoC seperate. My characters hold beliefs that I don't so please keep this in mind when interacting with me.I am 21+, so is my character. His story deals with mature themes such as violence, abuse, trauma, addiciton, and drug use.OoC enjoyment and comfort for everyone is my main priority so please don't be afraid to message me if you feel uncomfortable about the above and we can work something out.I love almost all forms of RP including plot, casual, dark, romance, comedy, and slice of life RP - both short and long term. Combat RP is fun, my preference leaning towards IG dice rolls. If the outcome is something that is discussed between both parties beforehand, though, I'm more than happy to post freely.I am also always excited to make and talk to new friends so I am willing to add people on discord upon request, at my discretion.